In-Lab and Home Sleep Testing

A comprehensive test to diagnose sleep disorders using sensors attached to different parts of the body during sleep, also referred to as polysomnography.

Why you might need an Sleep test

Polysomnography (PSG) is useful in diagnosing many types of sleep disorders, including narcolepsy, hypersomnia, restless leg syndrome, REM behavior disorder, parasomnias, and sleep apnoea. Sleep disorders can also be present in the absence of symptoms and can go un-diagnosed for years without a proper test.

The suitability of a PSG will be determined by the Sleep & Respiratory Specialist in your initial consultation and there are options for conducting the test within the clinic or at home.

What to expect

Whether you are doing an In-Lab or home sleep test, they are conducted after normal work hours and require you to attend the clinic around 7:00PM.

Home Test
You will be given an instruction sheet in your initial consultation which will explain the process in detail. Upon arrival the technician will fit the home test device and it will be pre-programmed for your normal sleep hours that evening. Most of the sensors will be applied by the technician and they will explain anything that you’ll be required to do prior to sleep that night.

In the morning following the test you’ll be able to remove the device yourself and place everything in the bag provided. The device must be returned back to the clinic that morning or as directed by the sleep technician.

In-Lab Test
Similar to a Home Test although these are conducted within the clinic in your own private room, and are in full attendance with the sleep technician. Onsite sleep tests offer the advantage of a quiet environment with little external sleep disturbances to allow more sleep time, as well as a technician that can monitor any sensors that may come off during the test and reapply them.

Adam FosseyIn-Lab and Home Sleep Testing