What we do

SomaHealth Sleep & Respiratory offers full assessment and management of respiratory and sleep disorders from start to finish.

• Private patients with Medicare, first two consultations are Bulk Billed.
• Pension or Health Care Card holders, ALL consultations are Bulk Billed.

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If required, the consultant Respiratory Physician will administer a local anaesthetic spray
and use an endoscope to visually inspect the patient’s nasal passage and pharynx. This
test is useful in identifying nasal polyps, chronic sinusitis and rhinitis. During the test the
physician may ask the patient to perform some manoeuvres which can also screen for
potential breathing problems during sleep.

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Polysomnography (sleep tests) can be performed on site at SomaHealth Sleep &
Respiratory, or in the comfort of the patient’s home. Whether on site or at home, sleep test
equipment is applied by a qualified and trained technician. This data is then manually
scored by a qualified sleep scientist and reported by one of our Physicians.

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A non-invasive test that demonstrates how well the patient’s lungs are working. A PFT
measures forced vital capacity, rates of flow, and gas exchange. This information can
assist in diagnosis and deciding on treatment of certain lung disorders such as asthma,
chronic bronchitis, lung fibrosis, bronchiectasis, COPD, asbestosis, sarcoidosis,
scleroderma, lung cancer and weaknesses of the chest wall muscles.

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A non-invasive test that measures the level of nitric oxide under gentle exhalation. Airway
inflammation is known to be the major underlying characteristic of asthma, cell associated with
this inflammation produce nitric oxide. FeNO tests can provide an accurate single measurement
to aid in determining how well inhaled corticosteroids suppress this inflammation.

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A Bronchoprovocation test (mannitol challenge test) measures a person’s lung function
after exposure to common asthma symptom triggers. The test requires the patient to
breathe in different doses of Mannitol at certain intervals and perform an FEV1.
Patients may be asked to conduct a mannitol challenge test if believed to have airways
sensitivity or asthma.

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A test where the clinician will use a sterile lancet with an allergen liquid to place a small
prick on the top surface of the skin.
Airborne allergies can go years without being identified and doing an allergy test can
uncover the cause of many respiratory problems. Allergies we test for include dust mite,
moulds, animal dander (dog/cat), feather, roaches, grass, acacia, tree and weed.

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A test that assesses airflow obstructions throughout the nasal passageway during
breathing at rest.
Anterior Rhinomanometry is accepted as the standardised test for measuring nasal airway
resistance and assessing the patency of the nose. Nasal resistance is generally caused by two
factors, anatomical structure of the nasal passageway or inflammation, such as allergic rhinitis.

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At SomaHealth Sleep & Respiratory, we strive to provide education and support to you all through your treatment plan, making sure you’re not overwhelmed achieving better compliance and results.

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adminWhat we do